For our film opening, Josh and I were hoping to use a soundtrack with a slow and steady beat, creating an eerie atmosphere as it adds tension to the desolate walk towards the open field. We also thought that this would convey the zombie apocolypse genre without having to use dialogue. It will hopefully emphasise how isolated the character in the unusual surroundings. A majority of the opening will be focused on the introduction of the soundtrack 'The Sadness Will Never End' by Bring Me The Horizon which has an eerie beat as the piano plays with gushes of wind in places to enhance the isolation. We also needed a sharp and edgy soundtrack with pace to highlight the intesity of the chase, building towards the end. We thought that 'Death Breath' also by Bring Me the Horizon would work well as the fast drumbeats help reflect 'Dan's' anxiety.

Bring Me The Horizon. The zombie look we are
hoping to achieve?
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